Programming in Lean
1. Introduction
2. Types and Terms
2.1. Some Basic Types
2.2. Defining Functions
2.3. Defining New Types
2.4. Records and Structures
2.5. Mathematics and Computation
3. Basic Programming
3.1. Evaluating Expressions
3.2. Recursive Definitions
3.3. Inhabited Types, Subtypes, and Option Types
3.4. Input and Output
4. Monads
4.1. The option monad
4.2. The list monad
4.3. The state monad
4.4. The IO monad
4.5. Related type classes
5. Writing Tactics
5.1. A First Look at the Tactic Monad
5.2. Names and Expressions
5.3. Examples
5.4. Reduction
5.5. Metavariables and Unification
6. Writing Automation
6.1. A Tableau Prover for Classical Propositional Logic
Programming in Lean
1. Introduction
2. Types and Terms
3. Basic Programming
4. Monads
5. Writing Tactics
6. Writing Automation
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