14. Decision Procedures for Arithmetic
In this chapter, we describe a decision procedure for the satisfiability of quantifier-free formulas in the theory of linear equations and inequalities in the real numbers. Finally, we will state some other important decidability and undecidability results, to give you a fuller sense of the landscape. In Chapter 15, we will consider SMT solvers, whose main strength is that they are capable of combining decision procedures for the quantifier-free parts of various theories and using them together effectively.
14.1. Linear real arithmetic
We now turn from questions having to do with satisfiability and validity in arbitrary models to questions about satisfiability in a particular model, namely, the real numbers. A linear expression is one of the form \(a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2 + \cdots + a_n x_n + b\), where each \(a_i\) is a rational number, \(b\) is a rational number, and each \(x_i\) is a variable. We think of the variables \(x_i\) as ranging over the real numbers. A linear constraint is one of the form \(s = t\) or \(s < t\), where \(s\) and \(t\) are linear expressions. (In practice, we usually include constraints of the form \(s \le t\) and sometimes \(s \ne t\) as well. But the first can be written \(s < t\) and the second can be written \(s < t \lor t < s\), so questions about those can be rexpressed in terms of \(<\) and \(=\), and focusing on those will simplify the presentation below.)
Notice that any linear constraint is equivalent to one of the form \(t = 0\) or \(t > 0\), since we can move all the terms to one side. For example, the constraint \(3 x + 2 y < 3y + 4z\) is equivalent to \(-3x + y + 4z > 0\). An important observation that we will use below is that any linear constraint that involves a variable \(x\) can be written as \(x = t\), \(x < t\), or \(t < x\), where \(x\) does not occur in \(t\). We do this by simply solving for \(x\). For example, the previous constraint can be expressed as \(x < (1/3)y + (4/3)z\). Remember that dividing both sides of an inequality by a negative number reverses the direction.
In this section we say that a set \(\Gamma\) of linear constraints is satisfiable if and only if there is an assignment of real values to the variables that makes them all true. Our first goal is to prove the following.
The question as to whether a finite set of linear constraints is satisfiable is decidable.
We use induction on the number of variables. If there are no variables at all, \(\Gamma\) contains only expressions of the form \(b_0 < b_1\) or \(b_0 = b_1\) where \(b_0\) and \(b_1\) are constants, and we only need to perform the comparisons to see whether they are true. Remember that if \(\Gamma\) is the empty set, we take it to be trivially satisfied.
In the inductive step, \(\Gamma\) contains a variable. If \(\Gamma\) contains any false constant equations, it is unsatisfiable, and it it contains any true constant equations, we can remove them without affecting satisfiability. If \(\Gamma\) contains a nontrivial equation with a variable \(x\), we put it in the form \(x = t\) and then substitute \(t\) for \(x\) everywhere. The resulting set of constraints has one fewer variable, and clearly it is equisatisfiable with the original one. Given an assignment to the new set of constraints, we just assign \(x\) the value of \(t\).
So we can now assume that there are no equations in \(\Gamma\). We can divide the inequalities in \(\Gamma\) intro three kinds:
those that don’t contain \(x\) at all
those that can be expressed in the form \(s_i < x\)
those that can be expressed in the form \(x < t_j\)
Let \(\Gamma'\) be the set that results from removing the inequalities in the last two categories and replacing them with inequalities of the form \(s_i < t_j\). We claim \(\Gamma'\) is equisatisfiable with \(\Gamma\). Clearly any assignment that satisfies \(\Gamma\) also satisfies \(\Gamma'\). Conversely, suppose \(\sigma\) is an assignment that satisfies \(\Gamma'\). Then, under that assignment, the value of each \(s_i\) is less than the value of every \(t_j\). We obtain an assignment satisfying \(\Gamma\) by mapping \(x\) to any value between the largest \(s_i\) and the smallest \(t_j\). (If one of the last two categories is empty, we remove the constraints in the other category entirely, since they can be satisfied by taking \(x\) sufficiently large or sufficiently small.)
14.2. Implementing Fourier-Motzkin
The procedure implicit in this proof is known as the Fourier-Motzkin procedure. The idea can be found in the work of Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier in the early nineteenth century (the same Fourier who gave us Fourier analysis), but it was rediscovered by multiple people in the nineteenth century, including Theo In the worst case, every elimination step divides the number of equations in half and then squares it, resulting in doubly exponential behavior. The procedure works well in practice, though, since in many applications each variable is contained in only a few equations. (There are obvious heuristics, like choosing a variable at each stage that minimizes the number of equations at the next stage.) There is an implementation of the procedure in the file FourierMotzkin.lean in the Examples folder, modulo two components that we ask you to supply. SMT solvers use much more efficient methods based on the simplex algorithm from linear programming.
14.3. A full decision procedure
We can describe the Fourier-Motzkin procedure more explicitly as a decision procedure for satisfiability of existential sentences in a langauge for the real numbers as follows. Suppose we are given a problem in linear arithmetic where the variables are labeled \(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n\) and the constraints are labeled \(c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_m\). Then what we are really asking as to whether the formula \(\ex {x_1, \ldots, x_n} c_1 \land c_2 \land \cdots \land c_m\) is true of the real numbers when the constraints are interpreted in the expected way. To make this more precise, consider the structure \((\mathbb R, 0, 1, +, <)\) in a language with symbols \(0\), \(1\), \(+\), and \(<\). All the constraints can be expressed in this language, albeit in a clunky way. For example, we can write \(3 x\) as \(x + x + x\), and express a constraint like \(x -(1/2)y + (4/3)z < 0\) as \(6x + 8z < 3y\). Alternatively, we can add symbols for scalar multiplication to the language.
We now obtain a decision procedure for arbitrary existential formulas \(\ex {x_1, \ldots, x_n} A\) as follows. Given a formula \(\ex x A\), put \(A\) into negation normal form, so that all the negations are pushed down to atomic formulas. Replace \(\lnot (s < t)\) by \(t < s \lor s = t\), and we can replace \(s \ne t\) by \(s < t \lor t < s\). (In practice, it is more efficient to include \(\le\) in the language as well, and use the fact that \(\lnot (s \le t)\) is equivalent to \(t < s\).) Putting the result into disjunctive normal form, we can assume that all the atomic formulas are of the form \(s < t\) or \(s = t\). We can move the existential quantifiers through the disjunction as we did in Section 12.3 and then apply the Fourier-Motzkin procedure to each disjunction.
In fact, a modification of the algorithm provides a decision procedure for the satisfiability of any sentence in the language, not just the existential ones.
The question as to whether a sentence \(A\) is true in \((\mathbb R, 0, 1, +, <, \le)\) is decidable.
We will only sketch the details here. The algorithm uses an important method known as “elimination of quantifiers.” The idea is to successively eliminate quantifiers, one by one, until we are left with a quantifier-free sentence. We can determine the truth of that by simply calculating.
We will show that any formula \(\ex x A\), where \(A\) is quantifier-free, is equivalent to a quantifier-free formula \(A'\) that does not include \(x\). Repeating the process and using the fact that \(\fa x A\) is equivalent to \(\lnot \ex x \lnot A\), we can eliminate all the quantifiers. We are then left with a quantifier-free sentence, that is, a boolean combination of equations and inequalities between closed terms. We can decide the truth of that sentence by evaluating the terms.
We have already seen all the ideas. The procedure above allows us to write \(\ex x A\) as \((\ex x A_1) \lor (\ex x A_2) \lor \cdots \lor (\ex x A_n)\) where each \(A_i\) is a conjunction of atomic formulas. So we only need to show how to eliminate an existential quantifier from a conjunction of constraints of the form \(s < t\) or \(s = t\). But that is exactly what the pivot step in the Fourier-Motzkin procedure does, and we are done.
It is possible to write down axioms that justify every step of the transformation. The resulting set of axioms is known as the theory of linear arithmetic. The argument shows that the resulting set of axioms characterizes the structure exactly, and that the question of provability from those axioms is decidable.
You should also notice that the justification of the procedure only used the fact basic facts about arithmetic on the real numbers, as well as the fact we can find a real number between any other two. So the procedure works just the same way, and returns the same answer, for other structures that satisfy these properties, like the rationals. In other words, the structure \((\mathbb Q, 0, 1, +, <, \le)\) has exactly the same theory as \((\mathbb R, 0, 1, +, <, \le)\).
14.4. Linear integer arithmetic
Returning to the language without multiplication, one can ask what happens if we replace the real numbers by the integers. In other words, we can ask whether the truth of sentences in the structure \((\mathbb Z, 0, 1, +, <)\) is decidable. In contrast to the reals, the order on the integers is discrete, since there is nothing between a value \(x\) and \(x + 1\). The problem is nonetheless decidable. The result was first proved in 1926 by Mojżesz Presburger, a student of Tarski’s, who later died in the Holocaust. The story has it that Tarski did not think the result was enough for a dissertation, and made him do more work. The resulting theory is known as Presburger arithmetic or linear integer arithmetic.
The decision procedure is more complicated than that for linear arithmetic, and we will not discuss it here. SMT solvers, however, use efficient implementations of the existential fragment of the theory, which is to say, the satisfiability problem for quantifier-free formulas.
14.5. Other theories
What happens if we extend linear real arithmetic by adding multiplication between arbitrary terms? Formally, we are asking about the theory of the real numbers \((\mathbb{R}, 0, 1, +, \times, <)\) with zero, one, addition, multiplication, and the less-than relation. It is equivalent to extending linear arithmetic by allowing atomic formulas \(p = 0\) and \(p > 0\) where \(p\) is an arbitrary polynomial. The theory, known also as the theory of Real closed fields, is still decidable. The theorem was proved by Alfred Tarski before World War II, but it wasn’t published until 1948, after the war.
What happens if we add multiplication to linear integer arithmetic? In contrast to the case with the real numbers, the theory of the integers with addition and multiplication is undecidable. In other words, there is no algorithm to decide truth in the model \((\mathbb Z, 0, 1, +, \times)\). This follows from the methods that Gödel used to prove the incompleteness theorems, and it is also a consequence of Tarski’s theorem on the undefinability of truth. The phenomena can be stated in very strong terms: no theory or structure in which one can interpret a small amount of arithmetic with addition and multiplication is decidable.